Every human has had a sort of failures, fear and achievements
in life experience.
You’ve failed many times, although you may not remember. You
fell down the first time you tried to walk as a baby. You almost drowned the
first time you tried to swim. Didn’t you?
You must worry about the chances you miss when you didn’t
even try. How high would your goals be if you weren’t afraid of failure? Have
you watched “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat”? where skiers would
come down the slope, crash and tumble head over skies; drivers at Formula 1
race would crash their cars against the wall. Experiencing the thrill of
victory is almost impossible unless you’re willing to risk the agony of defeat.

The only thing one must fear is fear itself. Nothing is
terrible except fear itself. The only
thing I am afraid of is fear. Nothing is so much to be feared as fear. The
thing I fear most is fear. But leave it to the Old Testament to scoop them all:
“Be not afraid of sudden fear” (Proverbs 3:25).
Shakespeare ones said “Its fear that holds us back. Our
doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to
attempt. Fear is the enemy of success.
Jump out of your comfort zone and confront your fear.
Perhaps, a decision you’ve made withstood real and imagined criticism and ridicule.
Now you can change the way the world think, but first you must change your mind
and the mind of others. You must have the courage of convictions, and sailed
through your fears and the fears of the group-think of the twenty-first
century. Do you know that the subconscious mind plays a large role fear?